Results submitted by Membench users

What is bandwidth and why is it so important?
What are these different rates of Membench?

Please note:

  1. All results in this page are generated by a converter program which converts the results.bin file Membench users sent to us. No alterations of any kind have been done to the results. (A single exception to the above is the K5-100 results, because Mr. Gorbatov sent them in text).
  2. We received many results.bin files, but unfortunately the great majority of them didn't have any or almost any of the details we requested (CPU, motherboard, chipset, memory, VGA).
  3. The results in this page were selected because of their diversity. We are still accepting results. If you think your computer is better/worse/different in some aspect of those computers listed, download Membench and send us your results.
  4. The results are presented as a table with up to 5 columns: the type of the bandwidth rate being tested; the normal value (Mbytes/sec) which is achieved with the best normal way possible; the innovative value which is achieved with our workarounds; the percentage of their difference; and when the computer has SDRAM, the bandwidth rate this computer would have, if there was no flaw, that is the actual SDRAM bandwidth.
  5. Our workaround is not able to totally eliminate the flaw when the memory is SDRAM. That's why in computers with SDRAM there is a 5th column which shows the without flaw performance.
  6. In same rare cases the innovative method has a negative improvement over the normal one. This happens because in that specific rate the flaw is non existent and due to some motherboard/chipset/cache abnormality. The aim of this page and this site is not to show that these workarounds are the best or perfect, but to prove and show the degree that all processors have the performance flaw!
  7. The amount of memory or secondary cache, doesn't affect in any way a computer's bandwidth. What affects most bandwidth is the type of memory.
  8. Legal stuff:  We have no responsibility for any error or bug in Membench or other software used to create this table.
  9. Thank you for submitting your results.


50 MHz bus

From: Wayne Shaffer

CPU:            Pentium-75 MHz (50 MHz * 1.5)
Motherboard:    R-513 (M-Tech) SiS 85c501, 85c503
Memory:         FPM (plain DRAM)
Graphics card:  Trident 9440

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read        35.39  ->    47.39  =    +34%
L2 cache read           63.69  ->   109.28  =    +72%
main memory write       21.09  ->    42.19  =   +100%
L2 cache write          21.05  ->    42.10  =   +100%
video memory write      12.13  ->    12.13  =      0%
main memory transfer    12.12  ->    21.57  =    +78%
L2 cache transfer       16.90  ->    29.58  =    +75%
video memory transfer   11.54  ->     9.70  =    -16%

Comments: Bad example of the first Pentiums, with memory and cache rates less than many 486s! Surely it can be optimized. Very slow VGA, slower than many VL-BUS VGAs!

 66 MHz bus

From: Yury Gorbatov, Russia

CPU:           AMD K5-100 MHz (66 MHz * 1.5, no MMX)
Memory:        EDO
Graphics card: no-name Virge DX with 2MB

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       111.1   ->   142.8   =    +29%
L2 cache read          162.0   ->   200.0   =    +23%
main memory write       42.5   ->    57.3   =    +35%
L2 cache write          44.0   ->    86.6   =    +97%
video memory write      16.7   ->    16.7   =     +0%
main memory transfer    29.9   ->    30.9   =     +3%
L2 cache transfer       35.6   ->    47.8   =    +34%
video memory transfer   16.7   ->    16.7   =    +17%

Comments: As you see, AMD's K5 is correctable (only K6 isn't). Generally everything is very low except main memory read. Video performance is the typically pathetic of a no-name Virge.

From:  Lloyd, Canada

CPU:           Pentium 100  (66 MHz * 1.5, no MMX)
Motherboard:   Tyan Titan 3 Mobo (FX), 256Kb burst cache
Memory:        40MB plain DRAM
Graphics card: 2MB S3 Trio 32/64

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read        75.47  ->   117.64  =    +56%
L2 cache read          162.60  ->   227.27  =    +40%
main memory write       82.98  ->   165.28  =    +99%
L2 cache write          84.38  ->   168.06  =    +99%
video memory write      21.45  ->    21.45  =      0%
main memory transfer    35.71  ->    58.65  =    +64%
L2 cache transfer       61.34  ->    73.80  =    +20%
video memory transfer   21.45  ->    20.14  =     -8%

Comments: A Pentium-100 with low memory rates due to the plain DRAM and old FX chipset. The L2 cache rates are exactly the same as of our Pentium 100 (in Membench).

From: Saif Choudhri, Canada

CPU:           Pentium-133 MHz (66 MHz * 2, no MMX)
Memory:        32 MB FPM (plain DRAM)
Graphics card: Cirrus Logic 1MB

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read        78.74  ->   136.98  =    +74%
L2 cache read          194.17  ->   289.85  =    +49%
main memory write       84.74  ->   105.82  =    +25%
L2 cache write          84.74  ->   169.49  =   +100%
video memory write       4.74  ->     4.74  =      0%
main memory transfer    34.66  ->    59.88  =    +73%
L2 cache transfer       63.49  ->    99.00  =    +56%
video memory transfer    4.74  ->     4.70  =     -1%

Comments: Low memory read rate (considering the type of memory), low cache read rate, normal write rates (altough strangely the memory one increases only 25%). The video card is the absolute worst I have seen since the ISA days. (My ISA Tseng had a similar write rate!).

From: Douglas Smith

CPU:            166 MHz plain Pentium (66 MHz * 2.5)
Motherboard:    Iwill P55V2 (last retail BIOS)
Memory:         64 Mb EDO
Graphics Card:  2MB Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM PCI

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       102.04  ->   190.47  =    +87%
L2 cache read          204.08  ->   317.46  =    +56%
main memory write       85.10  ->   170.94  =   +101%
L2 cache write          85.10  ->   169.49  =    +99%
video memory write      20.36  ->    20.36  =      0%
main memory transfer    44.24  ->    86.58  =    +96%
L2 cache transfer       63.89  ->   110.49  =    +73%
video memory transfer   20.36  ->    19.92  =     -2%

Comments: Low memory and cache read/transfer rates, and a very slow VGA card which of course isn't accelerated by the Innovative method because it's not the processor's or motherboard's fault that it is so slow.

From: Jan R. Smit, Software Developer, University of Groningen, Netherlands

CPU:              Pentium MMX-166 MHz (66 MHz * 2.5)
Motherboard:      Intel HX
Memory:           64 MB EDO
Graphics Card:    'no-name' S3 VIRGE

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       114.28  ->   200.00  =    +75%
L2 cache read          215.05  ->   312.50  =    +45%
main memory write       85.10  ->   169.49  =    +99%
L2 cache write          84.74  ->   169.49  =   +100%
video memory write      18.50  ->    18.48  =      0%
main memory transfer    46.94  ->    95.23  =   +103%
L2 cache transfer       69.93  ->   118.34  =    +69%
video memory transfer   18.50  ->    18.50  =      0%

Comments: Typical HX values (a bit less than TX), but video performance is of a typical pathetic 'no name' S3 Virge VGA card.

From: Peter Wilkins, Canada

CPU:           Cyrix 6x86MX-172 MHz PR-200+ (68.8*2.5, pushed from 66 MHz)
Motherboard:   QDI Titanium 1B+
Memory:        16MB of 70ns DRAM + 32MB of 70ns EDO (the DRAM is first)
Graphics Card: ATI Mach64 2MB
Comments:   Your benchmark programs are great!  I can see how things change as I adjust BIOS settings.

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read        89.68  ->   147.05  =    +64%
L2 cache read          277.77  ->   303.03  =     +9%
main memory write       53.90  ->    53.33  =     -3%
L2 cache write         161.29  ->   175.43  =     +9%
video memory write      38.38  ->    38.38  =      0%
main memory transfer    29.11  ->    32.36  =    +11%
L2 cache transfer       98.03  ->    97.08  =     -1%
video memory transfer   38.38  ->    38.38  =      0%

Comments: All main memory rates are very low due to the DRAM (Membench measures only the first memory type; it's the most important one) and to its 70 nSecs. Secondary cache rates are a bit better than normal for Cyrix due to the 68.8 MHz bus. The video card is slow.

From: Octavian Grecu, Switzerland

CPU:           Pentium-200 MHz (66 * 3, no MMX)
Motherboard:   Asus p55TV4 with 430VX
Memory:        32Mb 60ns EDO
Graphics card: 2MB Matrox Mystique

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       103.62  ->   190.47  =    +84%
L2 cache read          215.05  ->   377.35  =    +75%
main memory write       84.03  ->   162.60  =    +94%
L2 cache write          85.10  ->   170.94  =   +101%
video memory write      79.05  ->    92.59  =    +17%
main memory transfer    40.40  ->    89.68  =   +122%
L2 cache transfer       63.89  ->   111.73  =    +75%
video memory transfer   48.54  ->    64.93  =    +34%

Comments: Low memory read and transfer rate (maybe its not optimized).

From: Jeroen van Beusekom, Netherlands

CPU:           Pentium-200 MHz (66MHz * 3, no MMX)
Motherboard:   ? pending
Memory:        32 Mb EDO
Graphics card: 4 MB Diamond Stealth II S200 (Turbo)

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       137.93  ->   222.22  =    +61%
L2 cache read          215.05  ->   338.98  =    +58%
main memory write       83.33  ->   167.66  =   +100%
L2 cache write          82.98  ->   167.66  =   +101%
video memory write      83.68  ->    97.08  =    +16%
main memory transfer    38.68  ->    89.68  =   +132%
L2 cache transfer       62.89  ->   116.95  =    +86%
video memory transfer   50.50  ->    67.11  =    +33%

Comments: Superb main memory read rate (like SDRAM on a TX!), low main memory & cache transfer rate (that's why it's increased so much by the innovative method) and a bit low video memory transfer rate.

From: Gerard C. Blais

CPU:           Pentium-200 MHz (66MHz * 3, no MMX)
Motherboard:   Asus TX97 MB
Memory:        64 MB DIMM (SDRAM)
Graphics card: ATI 2 MB PCI Video Xpression +,

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %      without flaw
main memory read       147.05  ->   200.00  =    +36%   226.05  (+54%)
L2 cache read          215.05  ->   377.35  =    +75%
main memory write       85.10  ->   170.94  =   +101%
L2 cache write          85.10  ->   170.94  =   +101%
video memory write      43.38  ->    43.38  =      0%
main memory transfer    46.29  ->    94.33  =   +104%
L2 cache transfer       63.89  ->   118.34  =    +85%
video memory transfer   43.38  ->    37.59  =    -13%

Comments: Nice main memory read rate, a bit low L2 cache transfer, but mediocre video memory write/transfer rates (it can't even handle the innovative transfer).

From:  Lee MacMillan

CPU:             Pentium MMX-200 MHz (66 MHz * 3)
Motherboard:     Shuttle 569, TX chipset
Memory:          64 Mb SDRAM
Graphics Card:   Diamond Stealth II

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %     without flaw
main memory read       119.04  ->   150.37  =    +26%   226.05  (+90%)
L2 cache read          227.27  ->   344.82  =    +52%
main memory write       85.47  ->   170.94  =   +100%
L2 cache write          85.10  ->   170.94  =   +101%
video memory write      85.10  ->   102.04  =    +20%
main memory transfer    49.50  ->    90.49  =    +83%
L2 cache transfer       70.42  ->   119.76  =    +70%
video memory transfer   59.52  ->    71.94  =    +21%

Comments: Another Shuttle 569 with low read performance (SDRAM is exactly like EDO on a TX, but not much correctable with the workaround); write performance is OK.

From: Romel

CPU:            Pentium MMX-200 MHz (66 MHz * 3)
Motherboard:    Supermicro P5 MMS Bios v 2.1 (AMI, Flash Winbios) 512kb
                Bios set-up: optimal settings/Memory tweaked fastest
Memory:         48 Mb SDRAM (unbuffered, 3.3v, 10ns, made by "Century")
Graphics Card:  4 Mb Matrox Millennium, Bios v2.8
Comment:        You guys make a pretty Darned Good Program!

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %    without flaw
main memory read       131.57  ->   145.98  =    +11%   226.05  (+72%)
L2 cache read          227.27  ->   338.98  =    +49%
main memory write       84.74  ->   169.49  =   +100%
L2 cache write          84.74  ->   169.49  =   +100%
video memory write      81.30  ->    93.45  =    +15%
main memory transfer    51.81  ->    78.43  =    +51%
L2 cache transfer       70.17  ->   125.78  =    +79%
video memory transfer   57.97  ->    69.68  =    +20%

Comments: Typical VX/TX SDRAM performance, in order words, nothing much.

From:  Einar Børresen, Norway

CPU:            AMD K6-200 (66 MHz * 3)
Motherboard:    QDI Titanium 3b
Memory:         96Mb SDRAM
Graphics card:  2Mb Diamond Steath

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %    without flaw
main memory read       117.64  ->   115.60  =     -2%   226.05  (+92%)
L2 cache read          240.96  ->   256.41  =     +6%
main memory write       70.42  ->    69.93  =     -1%
L2 cache write         128.20  ->   132.45  =     +3%
video memory write      21.81  ->    21.81  =      0%
main memory transfer    39.21  ->    41.40  =     +6%
L2 cache transfer       84.03  ->    82.64  =     -2%
video memory transfer   21.81  ->    21.81  =      0%

Comments: Very low read rate and transfer rate for SDRAM (like TX's EDO), surely it can be tuned. L2 cache is OK. The graphics card is very slow.

From: Hugh C. De Long

CPU:            Pentium MMX-233 MHz (66 MHz * 3.5)
Motherboard:    ASUS TX97-E 512kb
Memory:         64MB EDO
Graphics card:  ATI XPERT@PLAY 8MB

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       149.25  ->   200.00  =    +34%
L2 cache read          240.96  ->   344.82  =    +43%
main memory write       85.47  ->   170.94  =   +100%
L2 cache write          85.10  ->   170.94  =   +101%
video memory write      84.38  ->    91.32  =     +8%
main memory transfer    48.19  ->    94.78  =    +97%
L2 cache transfer       70.42  ->   125.78  =    +79%
video memory transfer   59.52  ->    69.44  =    +17%

Comments: The fastest EDO memory seen on a 66 MHz bus! Also the L2 cache read is a bit more than usual. ATI XPERT@PLAY seems OK bandwidth wise.

From: Gary Milne

CPU:            Pentium MMX -233 MHz (66 MHz * 3.5)
Motherboard:    FIC PA2007 VIA Apollo VP-2 Chipset 1MB cache
Memory:         96 Mb - 2x32 mb SDRAM DIMM 2x16 mb EDO SIMMs
Graphics Card:  ATI RAGE 2 with 4 Mb 10 ns SDRAM

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %    without flaw
main memory read       173.91  ->   222.22  =    +28%   226.05  (+30%)
L2 cache read          240.96  ->   344.82  =    +43%
main memory write       84.03  ->   167.66  =    +98%
L2 cache write          83.33  ->   167.66  =   +100%
video memory write      80.97  ->    78.74  =     -3%
main memory transfer    67.00  ->   124.22  =    +88%
L2 cache transfer       67.56  ->   124.22  =    +84%
video memory transfer   60.06  ->    78.43  =    +31%

Comments: FIC's VP-2 motherboard is incredibly fast on SDRAM (main memory read/transfer) compared to TX. Remember the bus clock is only 66 MHz here (you can imagine the figures when it's pushed to 75 or 83!).

From: Detlef Krummrei, Netherlands

CPU:            Pentium II-233 MHz (66 MHz * 3.5)
Motherboard:    ASUS P2L97-S AGP (440LX)
Memory:         2*32MB SDRAM 10ns
Graphics card:  ET-6000 4MB

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %    without flaw
main memory read       196.07  ->   147.05  =    -27%  226.05  (+15%)
L2 cache read          425.53  ->   571.42  =    +34%
main memory write      127.38  ->   102.04  =    -20%
L2 cache write         210.52  ->   210.52  =      0%
video memory write      31.84  ->    63.89  =   +101%
main memory transfer    85.47  ->    76.33  =    -11%
L2 cache transfer      162.60  ->   165.28  =     +2%
video memory transfer   28.94  ->    53.47  =    +85%

Comments: Normal rates, except the usual very low video memory write and transfer rates, due to the design decision to consider the video memory as non-write combining. With the use of some shareware/freeware utilities (e.g. FASTVID), video performance increases to the level of Pentium MMX.

From:  Paladin

CPU:            AMD K6-240 (68.5 MHz * 3.5, pushed from 233)
Motherboard:    FIC PA-2007, VIA Apollo VP-2 1MB cache
Memory:         64MB SDRAM
Graphics Card:  Diamond Viper V330

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %   without flaw
main memory read       167.66  ->   170.94  =     +2%    232.27
L2 cache read          246.91  ->   263.15  =     +7%     348.41
main memory write       59.17  ->    59.88  =     +1%
L2 cache write         135.13  ->   139.86  =     +4%
video memory write      52.21  ->   103.62  =    +98%
main memory transfer    35.71  ->    43.01  =    +20%       ?
L2 cache transfer       88.10  ->    86.58  =     -2%       ?
video memory transfer   40.08  ->    64.93  =    +62%

Comments: Another FIC Apollo motherboard with its good SDRAM performance, but as usual the flaw is not correctable at all. Normal graphic rates are also low, typically for K6. Diamond Viper seems a good VGA card (bandwidth wise always).

75 MHz bus

From: Ivan Leiva

CPU:             Pentium 188 MHz (75MHz*2.5, pushed from 150 MHz)
Motherboard:     Shuttle HOT 569 Rev 2.0
Memory:          32 Mb SDRAM 12 ns
Graphics Card:   2 Mb Graphics Blaster 2D

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %      without flaw
main memory read       125.00  ->   168.06  =    +34%    254.31  (+103%)
L2 cache read          229.88  ->   357.14  =    +55%
main memory write       95.69  ->   190.47  =    +99%
L2 cache write          95.69  ->   190.47  =    +99%
video memory write      86.95  ->    98.52  =    +13%
main memory transfer    51.94  ->    93.02  =    +79%
L2 cache transfer       71.68  ->   118.34  =    +65%
video memory transfer   57.14  ->    68.25  =    +19%

Comments: Here Shuttle HOT delivers a significantly low read performance, for a 75 MHz bus with SDRAM (maybe it's wrongly optimized?); write performance is OK.


CPU:             Pentium MMX-225 MHz (75*3, Overdrive pushed from 180 MHz)
Motherboard:     FIC PA-2007, VIA Apollo VP-2 Chipset 1 MB cache
Memory:          32 MB Texas Instruments SDRAM
Graphics Card:   Intergraph Intense 3D 100

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %     without flaw
main memory read       186.91  ->   215.05  =    +15%     254.31  (+36%)
L2 cache read          256.41  ->   327.86  =    +28%
main memory write       71.42  ->   142.85  =   +100%
L2 cache write          71.17  ->   142.85  =   +101%
video memory write      71.17  ->   103.09  =    +45%
main memory transfer    57.97  ->    99.00  =    +71%
L2 cache transfer       58.65  ->    99.00  =    +69%
video memory transfer   54.34  ->    78.12  =    +44%

Comments: Another FIC VP-2 this time with its bus clock pushed to 75 MHz, but with low write performance. (It must be wrongly optimized for write, because a previous FIC VP-2 has better write that this and it's on 66 MHz!).

From:  Vojtech Pavlik, Czech Republic

CPU:            AMD K6-225 MHz (75MHz * 3)
Motherboard:    FIC PA-2007 VIA Apollo VP-2 chipset, 512Kb cache
Memory:         64MB SDRAM 12ns
Graphics card:  ATI Rage II (Mach 64GT rev 65), 2Mb SDRAM

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %     without flaw
main memory read       196.07  ->   186.91  =     -5%   254.31  (+36%)
L2 cache read          270.27  ->   285.71  =     +6%    381.47  (+41%)
main memory write       86.95  ->    88.49  =     +2%
L2 cache write         142.85  ->   148.14  =     +4%
video memory write      57.14  ->    80.64  =    +41%
main memory transfer    50.37  ->    59.52  =    +18%      ?
L2 cache transfer       94.78  ->    93.02  =     -2%      ?
video memory transfer   44.24  ->    72.20  =    +63%

Comments: Another FIC VP-2 this time with a K6. Very good main memory read rate (even for a VP-2). Other rates are normal,  but as usual the flaw is not correctable at all. Normal graphics rates are also low, typically for K6.

From:  Rav Gill

CPU:           Pentium MMX-262 MHz (75MHz * 3.5, pushed from 233)
Motherboard:   PCChips TXPro V4.1a, 512k cache
Memory:        32MB SDRAM + 32MB EDO (SDRAM is first)
Graphics card: 2MB Matrox Millennium I

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %     without flaw
main memory read       181.81  ->   217.39  =    +20%   254.31  (+40%)
L2 cache read          270.27  ->   384.61  =    +42%
main memory write       95.69  ->   155.03  =    +62%
L2 cache write          95.23  ->   190.47  =   +100%
video memory write      93.02  ->   101.01  =     +9%
main memory transfer    59.88  ->    91.74  =    +53%
L2 cache transfer       76.33  ->   141.84  =    +86%
video memory transfer   66.88  ->    86.95  =    +30%

Comments: Another fast non-Intel chipset. Good Millennium as always.

From: Ivan Gantchev

CPU:             Pentium II-300 MHz (4*75MHz, pushed from 266 MHz)
Motherboard:     SuperMicro P6DLS Dual PII/UltraSCSI/UDMA 512 kb cache
Memory:          2x 32MB SDRAM (megatrends)
Graphics Card:   Matrox Millennium II 4MB PCI (WRAM)

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %     without flaw
main memory read       188.67  ->   181.81  =     -4%  254.31  (+36%)
L2 cache read          540.54  ->   714.28  =    +32%
main memory write      162.60  ->   122.69  =    -25%
L2 cache write         270.27  ->   270.27  =      0%
video memory write      35.52  ->    71.17  =   +100%
main memory transfer   106.38  ->    88.88  =    -16%
L2 cache transfer      208.33  ->   210.52  =     +1%
video memory transfer   32.05  ->    58.47  =    +82%

Comments: Very slow memory read rate for SDRAM and 75 MHz bus (our Pentium II-233 with EDO scored better); main memory read should be about 254 Mb/sec.
The main memory write and transfer performance is huge,  (maybe the BIOS didn't activate the write allocate feature of Pentium II, which is supposed to be activated); that also explains the big negative innovative percentages. (Remark from Pentium II page: Pentium II, Cyrix M2 and AMD K6 have write allocation, that is on a cache miss, they read a whole line before they write to it, resulting in lower main memory write performance and higher secondary cache write performance. This is a design decision selectable by an internal register.)
Video memory write and transfer rates are very low, because of another design decision to consider the video memory as non-write combining. With the use of some shareware/freeware utilities (e.g. FASTVID), video performance increases to the level of Pentium MMX.

Ivan resubmitted the results of his system with FASTVID:
video memory write     121.21  ->   121.21  =      0%
video memory transfer  120.48  ->   119.04  =     -3%

Comments: Now the video rates are exceptional, especially the video transfer rate is unbelievable! It seems that Pentium II operates the PCI truly in parallel (reads from memory while at the same time writes to PCI).

83 MHz bus

From: <>

CPU:            Pentium MMX-250 (83MHz * 3, pushed from 200 MHz)
Motherboard:    Abit IT5H rev1.5 motherboard (Intel HX chipset)
Memory:         32MB 60ns EDO
Graphics Card:  Tseng Labs ET6000 2.25MDRAM

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       185.18  ->   267.66  =    +44%
L2 cache read          285.71  ->   425.53  =    +49%
main memory write      106.95  ->   215.05  =   +101%
L2 cache write         106.38  ->   212.76  =   +100%
video memory write     106.38  ->   106.38  =      0%
main memory transfer    60.42  ->   125.00  =   +107%
L2 cache transfer       88.10  ->   157.48  =    +79%
video memory transfer   74.62  ->    96.15  =    +29%

Comments: As you can see, all values are huge due to the pushed 83 MHz bus clock (instead of the normal 66 MHz). The main memory read/trasnfer rate is especially faster, which denotes that this motherboard has significant potential for optimization and tuning; look at the next system. The good (bandwidth wise) Tseng ET6000 has reached the very good value of 106 Mb/sec due to the 83 MHz bus, which seems to be its limit.

From: Mika Vääräniemi, Finland

CPU:           Pentium MMX-250 MHz (83MHz * 3, pushed from 200 MHz)
Motherboard:   Abit IT5H rev1.5 (Intel HX chipset)
Memory:        32MB 60ns EDO
Graphics card: Matrox Mystique 2MB (with 170Mhz ramdac)
Comments:      Thank you for this great test program.

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       143.88  ->   240.96  =    +67%
L2 cache read          285.71  ->   425.53  =    +49%
main memory write      106.95  ->   212.76  =    +99%
L2 cache write         106.38  ->   212.76  =   +100%
video memory write     103.09  ->   135.13  =    +31%
main memory transfer    56.49  ->   117.64  =   +108%
L2 cache transfer       88.10  ->   157.48  =    +79%
video memory transfer   67.66  ->    88.88  =    +33%

Comments: All rates are typical for HX/TX motherboards proportioned to 83 MHz. The main memory read and transfer rates can be tuned to increase their performance much more (if the memory can handle it); look at the previous system. The Matrox Mystique proves to be the king of bandwidth, reaching the unbelievable 135 Mb/sec, higher than the theoretical maximum PCI bandwidth of 133 Mb/sec; this is due to the 83 MHz bus which runs the PCI at 41.7 MHz instead of 33.3!

From:  Sebot Julien, France

CPU:             AMD K6-250 MHz (83MHz * 3, pushed from 233 MHz)
Motherboard:     Asus TX97 512 kb cache
Memory:          64 Mb SDRAM
Graphics Card:   Matrox Mystique 4Mb

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %    without flaw
main memory read       198.01  ->   192.30  =     -3%   282.57  (+43%)
L2 cache read          303.03  ->   317.46  =     +5%   423.83  (+40%)
main memory write       89.68  ->    88.88  =     -1%
L2 cache write         160.00  ->   165.28  =     +3%
video memory write      63.29  ->   114.28  =    +81%
main memory transfer    48.42  ->    51.67  =     +7%      ?
L2 cache transfer      105.26  ->   103.09  =     -2%      ?
video memory transfer   48.54  ->    77.22  =    +59%

Comments: Nice rates due to the 83 MHz bus, but as usual the flaw is not correctable at all. It is interesting to compare it with the previous one which has EDO and Pentium MMX. Normal graphic rates are also low, typically for K6. But Matrox Mystique displays its superiority by reaching an astronomical 114.28 Mb/sec innovative write rate.

From:  Denis Sato

CPU:           Pentium MMX-292 MHz ! (83MHz * 3.5, pushed from 233)
Motherboard:   QDI Titanium IB 512k
Memory:        32Mb EDO 60ns + 32Mb SDRAM 10ns
Graphics card: Diamond 3D-2000 Virge 2Mb EDO 30ns
Comments:      I've tunned up my computer with your benchmarks and my utilities.

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %
main memory read       120.48  ->   194.17  =    +61%
L2 cache read          303.03  ->   425.53  =    +40%
main memory write      106.38  ->   212.76  =   +100%
L2 cache write         106.38  ->   212.76  =   +100%
video memory write     103.09  ->   109.89  =     +7%
main memory transfer    56.17  ->   100.50  =    +79%
L2 cache transfer       87.71  ->   157.48  =    +80%
video memory transfer   66.66  ->    79.05  =    +19%

Comments: The fastest Pentium MMX ever seen, at 292 MHz!. Unexpected slow main memory read performance (visibly EDO is in the first memory slot). All other rates are normal for a 83 MHz bus.
Diamonds Virge proves to have over 4 times the bandwidth of the no name Virges!

Name: Thomas Ansvang, Denmark

CPU:              Pentium MMX-292 MHz! (83MHz * 3.5, pushed from 233)
Motherboard:      Aopen AP5T-3.1, 512 Kb
Memory:           64 MB SDRAM 10 ns
Graphics card:    No-name S3 TRIO64V+, 2 MB, 70 ns
Comments:         Enabled "DRAM Enhanced Paging" in BIOS

     TEST              NORMAL      INNOVATIVE      %    without flaw
main memory read       169.49  ->   250.00  =    +48%   282.57  (+67%)
L2 cache read          303.03  ->   425.53  =    +40%
main memory write      106.38  ->  212.76  =   +100%
L2 cache write         105.82  ->   212.76  =   +101%
video memory write      23.44  ->    23.44  =      0%
main memory transfer    64.93  ->   118.34  =    +82%
L2 cache transfer       87.71  ->   157.48  =    +80%
video memory transfer   23.44  ->    23.44  =      0%

Comments: Another 292 MHz monster with normal TX like SDRAM performance. L2 cache is normal for 83 MHz. Video memory is very slow due to the no-name video card.


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